economía mexicana nueva época is a journal dedicated to disseminating original academic research contributing to the development and application of economics, with high theoretical and methodological standards.

The main subjects of interest can be classified into: macroeconomics; monetary policy and international finance; energy, gas and electricity; studies on poverty, well-being and education; trade liberalization; finance; regional economics; gender studies; fiscal studies; microeconomics; and economic history.

The quality and diversity of our up-to-date articles, and the topics they cover, have consolidated economía mexicana as a reference for researchers, students and all those interested in economics, linking the study with the practice of this discipline, and creating a space that welcomes authors from the private and public sectors, academic professionals and young researchers.

The articles in economía mexicana are listed and/or summarized in cabell’s, clase, doaj, ebsco, EconPapers (RePEc), elsevier (scopus), hapi, ideas (RePEc), jel/EconLit, LatAm-Studies, latindex, pais, RedALyC, Thomson Gale and Thomson Reuters(ssci, Social SciSearch and Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition). Likewise, economía mexicana nueva época turns up in the Índice de revistas científicas mexicanas (Index of Mexican Scientific Magazines), published by CONACYT.

